The mission of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) is to build an eminent cadre of successful diverse global leaders in STEM and advance their professional endeavors by adding value to their academic, development, leadership, and philanthropic endeavors throughout the life-cycle of their careers. Through our hallmark networking and career development programs, we encourage college students to pursue graduate degrees in STEM disciplines and serve as a conduit that connects industry, government and educational institutions to talented underrepresented scientists and engineers. NOBCChE has distributed over $1.6M in undergraduate and graduate scholarships, fellowships, and other awards. Since 2010, NOBCChE has funded over 2,000 students to attended the NOBCChE National Conference. Of those students, approximately 90% presented their scientific research and received one-on-one mentoring from professional volunteers, abstract reviewers, exhibiting partners, and conference judges. The Penn Engineering Graduate Admissions team will be at this conference ready to network with you!