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Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM (DEEPenn STEM)

Friday, October 06, 2023  •  

Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM, or DEEPenn STEM, is a graduate school preview aimed to increase the representation of students from underrepresented backgrounds pursuing post-baccalaureate graduate degrees in STEM programs. 


Friday, Oct. 6

Evening Welcome to DEEPenn STEM

Saturday, Oct. 7

Breakfast & Welcome
Overview of the Ph.D. Application Process
Personal and Research Statement Overview
How to Request Letters of Recommendation & Prepare a CV/Resume
Faculty Chat Session & Lunch
Faculty Research Talks (SEAS, SAS, PSOM)
How to Navigate the Ph.D. life and Build a Supportive Network
Graduate Student Panel
Poster Session, Career & Resource Fair

Sunday, Oct. 8

Breakfast with Penn graduate students & Post-survey
Graduate Student 1:1 & Lab Tour
Lunch (grab-and-go)